Your options

Need help and guidance?

We can’t provide guidance or advice about how to take your pension savings, but a specialist can.

Get help with finding guidance or advice, that’s right for you. Click on the guidance and advice menu item for more information.

There are plenty of options available to you for taking your pension savings at any age from 55.

If you know what you’ve got saved, and what you’ll need in retirement, now is the time to start thinking about the option that suits you and your plans.

We would recommend taking some guidance or advice to help you make the best decision for your future.

Before you start on your journey towards taking your money and making any decisions, watch our short video about the options you have available.

What you'll need

Your last benefit statement from us

(so you know how much you’ve got with us)

Your latest statement or fund value for any other pension savings you have

(so you can build a bigger picture)

Details of your current outgoings each month

(even if it’s only a rough idea)