Choose an Investment Pathway option

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If you have an idea of what you might want to do with your pot in the future, an Investment Pathway option might be a good choice for you.

You can choose between four investment options, each of which target a different outcome for your pot over a set time period. These options are pre-set investment strategies that match your investment funds to your future plans for your money.

What to consider

This might be an option that suits you if you are looking to choose an investment strategy that matches with your plans for the future, and would like to manage your investments a little less than if you were choosing your own funds.

You can only invest in one Investment Pathway option at a time, but you can change it any time you want to, so if your plans for the future change, so should your investment strategy.


Remember: you can speak to a financial adviser to help make sure you get the most out of your investment strategy, and help you manage your future income.


If you’ve read through the information on the previous pages and you’d like to learn more about an investment pathways choice, you can do that here.


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